Cannon Fodder (Escaping Psychiatry 1)

'Escaping Psychiatry' is a collection of three novellas with the same protagonist, Mary, a psychiatrist and writer. She is trying to develop her literary career but circumstances and friends conspire to keep dragging her back to psychiatry. In 'Cannon Fodder', Phil, a lawyer who is good friends with Mary asks her to provide a report on one of his clients, a young African-American man called Cain White. Cain is a very religious man and has been accused of inciting a riot at a religious meeting. Although his actions have never been violent, some people find the content of his speech inflammatory and disturbing. He not only says he can hear God’s voice, but also he insists that God is black and his appears to be a Black Nationalist message. Is Cain insane, deluded, misguided, looking for media-attention, or a Saint? To find an answer to these questions Mary talks to his family and friends. Although she concludes he is sane, some very damaging revelations about his family life, beliefs and local attitudes result from Mary’s investigation. Who is a saint and who is a sinner is a matter for debate. The more Mary gets involved in the lives of Cain and those close to him the more she realises how damaging secrets are.

Cannon Fodder contains damaging family secrets, court procedures, psychological insights, discussions around morality and religion, sin and ultimately redemption. This novella offers you an emotionally affecting and challenging read in a small package. It is well worth the time and investment. If you enjoy it, there are two more novellas, Teamwork and Memory following the life and cases of Mary also available in Amazon.

The author, Olga Núñez Miret, is a forensic psychiatrist and bring her experience and knowledge to play in these works of fiction.

Average: 3 (6 votes)


Genre: Fiction > Mystery & Thrillers

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More by Olga Núñez Miret

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