The plot of Predictable Violence is intelligent and full of twists, with a reveal of whodunit that will shock. The story explores several universal themes that readers can connect to - death and loss, regret, and hatred that only harms the hater.

Mackenzie Anderson’s husband and two-year old daughter were shot and killed when Mack was only nineteen years old. When the police stopped trying to find the murderer, Mack began working with a private investigator. But, the murderer was a ghost. Mack had no way of knowing then that in a fluke of life she would come face-to-face with the murderer six years later. Now, she must decide if she will risk everything for vengeance.

As a homicide detective with the Idaho State Police, Mack lives her life being a champion for the dead. Assigned as the lead investigator of a triple homicide that occurred in the picturesque, small Idaho town of Skaus Lake, Mack befriends Susan, a teenage girl who is the daughter and sister of two of the homicide victims. Three weeks into the investigation, a man strolls into the police department and confesses to the homicides. But, something about the case continues to nag at Mack.

Author's Notes

Ideas for all of my stories just pop unbidden into my head. I swear I'm a writer - not a murderer, stalker, serial killer, or psychopath. But, ideas for characters that have these traits and the different ways a person could be killed come to me all the time. I also get ideas for main characters (female detectives) and their partners. They start telling me who they are and how they act. They start having conversations with each other in my head. I feel like I'm just the instrument for bringing them to life.

Before I started writing Predictable Violence, I read everything I could find on how best to write a mystery/thriller. What I found was that there are, generally, two types of writers. The first plans and outlines extensively. What works for them is to know it all, what happens in every chapter, in some detail, right from the start. The second type of writer just sits down and starts telling a story. They find that often the story knows better than they do what it wants to be. I'm one of these second type of writers.

For me, it's like watching a movie in my head. My fingers are doing the typing, but I'm just enjoying watching as the characters and plot unfolds. When I start writing a book I know the beginning, but the rest is like going on an adventure. The end of a book is just as exciting for me as it is for the reader.

Average: 4 (2 votes)


Genre: Fiction > Mystery & Thrillers

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ISBN: 9781549542886


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