Primal Instinct

Hear Her Song

Since the sea levels rose and the American government went bankrupt, the country has seen a new world order arise. The big corporations, who have since purchased sections of America from its shattered leaders, are the rulers of their own, private kingdoms. They live in luxury, drunk on not only their comfort and security, but also on the knowledge that the lower classes wholly rely on them to exist. In return for food, board, and employment, the middle class is made into little more than slave at the beck and call of their masters. Their lives are no longer theirs. They belong to the rich.

Freddie Molloy is a victim of this new world order. Having been mutated on a CEO's whim a decade prior, he has since bitterly observed the corrupt world around him and let it know what he thinks with rather colorful language. The only semblance to a positive connection he has in his life is his gentle but terribly shy father, who thinks it'd be best if they all just bowed their heads and did as they were told. Freddie doesn't agree. He simply doesn't think things can be 'best'. The world is a ruin, and that's the way things are.

But everything will change when he first hears a mermaid's hypnotic song.

Author's Notes

I'd like to thank all those who helped me get this far: my mother, my husband, and my editor.

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Genre: Fiction > Science Fiction

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