
A book of eleven short stories with a twist at the end.
It is a compilation of my trilogy of books but all in one book.
1. Tri-Twists 2. 4 more 3. Final twists. These books are still available individually.
Ideal for a quick fix of reading with a cup of coffee.



They had picked up the keys from the estate agent as arranged. Their dreams were coming true. From their bedsit, to a one bed roomed flat, to a three bed roomed house, and now, a detached house in the Country with a little land. It was nothing too grand, but with work and patience, it had great potential. This house was going to benefit from both their abilities, Colin a keen d.i.y. man, and Claire with her sewing and interior design skills.

Colin stood in front of the huge detached double garage with his hands on his hips. He was wondering where he was going to start the mammoth task of clearing it. It was piled from floor to ceiling with all sorts of useless objects. ‘Why do people do that?’ he asked himself, ‘everything gets thrown in the garage, what about the car? Garages are for cars!’

Nearby was a land fill site, Colin and Claire set about emptying the garage of debris using an old wheelbarrow they had found under the rubbish. It had a flat tyre, but it was still easier than carrying it all.

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Genre: Fiction > Short Stories

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ISBN: 9781505632217


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