First Magyc

Guardians of the Path - Book 1

The Path is fading, and the music of Life is vanishing. Cedar and his fellow Guardians have been entrusted for centuries to protect the Path, the very force of Life itself.

An accident traps Cedar between his home and another world devoid of magyc--but not of music. He is found by Ria, a mysterious girl who holds the key to returning him home.

With little choice Cedar uses First Magyc, Blood Magyc, to save himself, and finds himself the unlikely caretaker of the very girl who might fulfill an ancient Prophecy and restore the Guardians to their former station as honored heroes.

Unwittingly lured into Demona, a world of magyc and music, Ria struggles to understand her own growing abilities even as she is drawn into an ages old conflict between Human and Demon.

But sometimes, the difference between the two isn’t so easy to see.

Average: 4.8 (14 votes)


Genre: Fiction > Fantasy

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ISBN: 9781943121472


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