Grandma’s Fairy Tales

Bedtime Stories I Love

Russian culture is beautiful and unique; that’s why I’ve written this book. When I was a little girl, I heard many stories about Russia from my grandmother, including its many fairy tales and folk stories, and I loved all of them. Hearing about how the world was when she was young and listening to her many fantastical tales made my world so much more magical growing up.

Now, I want to share that magical feeling and that sense of wonder that I experienced with other children. And I want to share the beauty of my grandmother’s homeland so that everyone can know what life was like in Russia all those years ago.

This book is filled with the same magical and lovely old Russian tales my grandmother used to tell me at night before I went to sleep. Allow your children to run through the old villages, explore the deep forests, and find adventure like I did. Every child should live a life full of magic and wonderment.

The world is nothing without tradition and culture. By letting your children learn about life in Russia, they will find that the children there are no different from them. All they want is to have fun, create magic, and enjoy life to the fullest. That’s how my grandmother lived her life and that’s how I’ve lived mine. That’s also what I want you to find in this book: fun, magic, and a life filled with joy.

Author's Notes

My grandmother, long ago, grew up in an old village of this kind. Her life was, most likely, very different than yours. She would do all sorts of adventurous and magical things. She would explore the forests and fields around the village and play with the animals. She would help her mother cook and bake by collecting ingredients and learning how to make tasty traditional Russian dishes. She would go out for walks in the morning and visit neighbors in nearby villages. She would make it a point to go out into the world around her and have adventures every single day.

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Genre: Fiction > Children

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ISBN: 978-1-7359629-9-3


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