The Whisperer

Four irresistible men with a dark secret.

One bewitching woman who doesn't know her own power.

Avery senses the connection with Taylor, then with Brandon, but the terrifying way she's drawn to them has her on the run...and both men chasing her down for separate purposes. She's a threat to their kind - wereleopards - and she has to be stopped. But her beauty and enchantment test both of them, push the limits of their determination to remain free of her control, especially when she appears to harbor no malicious intent.

Lucas only wants to stay away. Shaw, however, has no qualms about destroying her, and the division in the pack could turn out just as fatal as succumbing to the likes of a Whisperer's ancient, evil, total control. Warring internally with hatred and lust, all four men and a woman thrust in the middle of jealousy and bitter rivalry have tough decisions to make - and every choice comes with dire consequences. Even Avery doesn't know if her power is better off destroyed or used to keep the close knit pack intact.

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Genre: Fiction > Romance

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ISBN: 978-1973161127


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