Harry James Fox has ridden horseback over much of the landscape that appears in his novels, since he was born and raised on a ranch in western Colorado. His love of horses and ancient weapons, as well as his military training make his discussion of military matters gripping and credible.
I am from the USA, born in Colorado. I was raised on a cattle ranch in the western, mountainous part of the state. In many ways, my early life was much more like the 19th century than the 20th. I can’t remember not being able to ride, since I was thrown on a horse’s back when I was still crawling. My parents taught me to be self-reliant and responsible, and brought me up in the Christian faith. In some ways it was a hard life, with lots of bumps and bruises and early responsibility. Did I say there was no modern conveniences? But I would not trade that early life for another.
I served in the US Army and served in Vietnam during the war. Nearly 48 years ago I married my love, Carroll, and we have two sons and six grandchildren. I spent a career in natural resource management with the U.S. Department of the Interior. Upon retirement, we served as missionaries and lived in the Philippines and Thailand for awhile, then I decided to spend more time with writing, which always was an interest of mine.