A Day at the ZOO

Bedtime story book

A Day at the Zoo is a children’s book that your little ones will find delightful.
It follows a typical day visiting a zoo and the different animals that are seen.
There are elephants, crocodiles, tigers, flamingoes and many more.

This captivating children’s book is also an activity book. Your children must search for the odd-one-out within the animals. A different animal is hidden in amongst them.

•    Beautifully illustrated throughout.
•    For young readers aged 2-4 years.
•    Teaches children to be observant and teaches them about the varying species of animals in their world.
•    Written in an easy to read rhyming format.

Read A Day at the Zoo to your children and see their faces light up when they search for all the different hidden animals.

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Genre: Fiction > Children

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