A Yellow Jellow, What Did You Say?

Author and Illustrator J.Kaylin would like to introduce you to The Murgle-Flurgle-Flickity-Tickity-Tat, The Nutton Glutton, and The Greatest Me! "A Yellow Jellow, What Did You Say?" is a delightful ensemble of children's poetical humor bearing the name of J.Kaylin. This highly read slim paperback quickly emptied off bookstore shelves with its first publication in 1994.

Yet aimed at an audience of children 3 thru 8, people of all ages still enjoy this inspirational packed volume of encouragement, silliness, wit, and humor.

"A Yellow Jellow, What Did You Say?" is indeed a novel approach to children's literature. Author J.Kaylin's close understanding of children and the child within in us all is evident in this delightfully written and simply illustrated children's book. J.Kaylin has carefully put into these pages a liberal amount of insight, warmth, and laughter. He then has sprinkled them all with the essence of Dr. Seuss and Shel Silverstein.

Though this book is purely fun for its non-sense and silly wit, the content of "A Yellow Jellow, What Did You Say?" is also meant to encourage a child to think of themselves as something special, as they learn to discover and appreciate the wonder, awe, and magic of the highly versatile English language and the written word. J.Kaylin is an author being described by some professional editors as the next generation in word play and funniness since the humorist writer of the 1920's, Ogden Nash.

"A Yellow Jellow, What Did You Say?" is an asset to any library, including any digital book library that you’ll want to take with you where ever you go.

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Genre: Fiction > Children

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