Armageddon’s Rod

An Arthurian time travel thriller for any age. King Arthur, Excalibur and Merlin reunite to save Avalon.

Since he can remember, young Jack Dore has had the strangest of dreams. Another world and another life!  He can’t escape when he’s awake either, being followed every moment by his ‘shadows.’ Jack believes it is only he who can see his shadows until he meets a mysterious old lady. Following an incident at the local swimming pool, where he nearly drowns, he finds himself transported in his unconscious state to the Celtic Otherworld ‘Annwn,’ where he meets Queen Eigyr. He is told he is the only one who can save the world from Armageddon.

Jack, best friend Maddie and Truffle, the Bernese mountain Dog embark upon a fantastic journey through The Tunnel of No Dream back to Annwn, where they find themselves in a life and death struggle against The Empress of Deep and her evil cohorts Sorbus and Salix, as they search for the legendary Caliburnis - ‘The Rod’ - broken in half and hidden by Jack in a different life. Jack will need to reach into his innermost soul to help him fight evil. Can he find his King Arthur within?

Jack cannot do this alone. He needs Maddie who has her own inner secret. A soul within no one ever expected to see least of all Maddie.
A book full of legendary creatures and characters from the darkest of ages in British history, Hengist, Horsa, Morganis, Eigyr, Ronixen, Vortigern and Myrddin. What is the connection between the Welsh Dragon and the legendary sword Excalibur?  Will the Dragon Hunters, The Ropen and Palug and his enormous cat, stop Jack in his tracks, as he fights to save the Realm of Queen Eigyr from destruction?

An action-packed adventure, which will constantly have you on the edge of your seat with excitement.

Author's Notes

Where I live is a place steeped in a forgotten history. I was walking my Bernese Mountain dog 'Truffle' one day on a hill fort in the area and wondered what its history was. I read a book called The Keys to Avalon by Steve Blake and Scott Lloyd, then started researching the history of my area more and more.   I discovered I lived near what some have claimed is the true Avalon where 'Cadwaladr' - King Arthur, as you know him, lived and died. Suddenly a whole new world of forgotten adventures and battles opened up before me.  Stories passed down from one generation to another make a rich tapestry of  folklore in Wales and with my belief in the Elysian Concept of Consciousness, where souls pass on to new generations, there grew a story where I could easily travel between the Dark Ages and modern times, so creating a fantasy adventure for all to enjoy.

By the way, Truffle is a Bernese Mountain Dog who sadly is no more, but I love dogs and just had to feature her in the book.

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Genre: Fiction > Fantasy

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