In the beginning... God, indeed, created wondrous things, had He not? ... Colossians 1:16a "For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, VISIBLE and INVISIBLE..." Yes, the invisible side of the creation, of what natural man and even science cannot see ... The invisible side of creation was made along with, and at the same time, as the natural creation − and even today is still being used to convert new Christian souls over to God! Also, as we will see, there can be both harmony and perfect balancing in completely naturalizing and completely spiritualizing Genesis Chapter 1 ... 'In the Beginning: It was Spiritual from the Very Start' will explore how that can even be possible ... The main purpose of this book is to not only point out that there are indeed metaphoric teachings within the Christian Bible, but to also show how we can actually trace these said metaphors right to the very beginning of time! Since the topic of metaphoric understandings will also be covered in two other books (in this three part topic within the Seeking the Everlasting Gospel teaching series − see page 4), the ‘beginning' will only be spoken on here, to show folks that this extraordinary idea can certainly be traced back a long, long way; especially since some people feel that metaphors, idioms, parables, and all such like similitude's, may have only come briefly into existence during the early church period − if at all! Or, if some folks have already figured that those things were in there to begin with, their thoughts will simply be strengthened. Finally, it’ll be pointed out, along with other ideas, the differences of both the natural and the spiritual camps of understanding of the Written Word of God. And, again, that will be accomplished by talking about the Beginning...

Author's Notes
I'm at the starting stage of writing an entire Bible teaching series, which I have named: 'Seeking the Everlasting Gospel Teaching Series.' The book title 'In the Beginning' is actually the third book published, and I found it necessary to cover the controversial topic of 'metaphors' in the Written Word to purposefully set the stage for all other books which will follow afterwards ... But, why is the topic controversial? A lot of folks don't actually believe that the Word of God is dashed with idioms, parables, similitude's and figures, seeing as such an idea just may harm the literalism which many declare is the 'simplicity of Christ.' And yet (as I point out in this third book), even Jesus boldly declared that He hid His messages behind the institution of metaphors to purposely hide truths from some who merely want to use the Word for self-promotion and worldly gain - seeing as such a thing could be a usurping tool to become a king themselves! Therefore, knowing this, we can easily see that when God's Word is being mishandled, in such a horrid way, that it's not the actual truth being used to fool those poor, misguided people; but is, instead, only a pale, man-made religious substitute that will never actually bring life to their listening audience ... The blind shall lead the blind into a deep ditch! ... But, thankfully, God has preserved His pure Word unscathed for those who actually have a love for it, and an actual love for Him ... All this is not saying, however, that God didn't create this world and universe literally and physically as it so declares in Genesis chapter 1; but, as we will see, the Spiritual creation was made along with, and at the same time, as the Natural creation - for, what we read naturally therein also has a metaphoric counterpart (by using the same exact words) that describes our own, personal Spiritual creation, which actually shows us that while God was creating a temporal existence in this natural universe, that He was also creating eternal existences for His children.