Muffy and the Dog Catcher

Muffy is a happy and curious Goldendoodle puppy who lives on a farm. One day she chases a silly grasshopper and gets lost. She finds herself alone and hungry, on the point of collapse, but luck is on her side and she is adopted by a wonderful family, the Gabriels, who have a very orderly and devoted pack of dogs. Muffy becomes part of her new family, and is accepted by Radar and Oliver and the gang, but she still pines for her sister, Riff, and misses the farm. One of her new friends, Wise Dog, introduces her to a very unusual Dog Catcher who has a special talent.

Muffy’s courageous journey is full of laughter and adventure as she tries to unite her two families.

Author's Notes

The idea for Muffy and the Dog Catcher just jumped into my head one day. It wasn't really a difficult or "efforty" thing, I just sat down and the paragraph formed . I could see the puppy in my mind's eye chasing the grasshopper further and further away from home. It was as if the character was emerging right before my eyes and I just knew what to write. At first I didn't even realize I was writing a book. It was just a little escapade. But then more characters emerged and it started to become an adventure. The Gabriel family is loosely based on my family, and the dogs in the book are loosely based on dogs I have had the pleasure and honor to share with my house with over the years. I loved writing and illustrating it, it became a joyful obsession, like chocolate. I hope your children enjoy reading it as much I enjoyed writing it. 

Cheers Devra Robitaille

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Genre: Fiction > Children

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