The Reluctant Ninja

How A Middle-Aged Princess Became A Warrior Queen

Cheryl Ilov surprised everyone, including herself, when she began training in an ancient Japanese martial art at the tender young age of 47. As a self-proclaimed middle-aged princess, she was the last person anyone would expect to study martial arts.

Cheryl had been living a charmed life until it all came crashing down after a traumatic experience thrust her into the vortex of hell known as PTSD. As she tried to deal with the devastating effects of the trauma, she slipped deeper and deeper into the dark pit of despair.

Her salvation came when her acupuncturist finally convinced her that taking some martial arts classes would help her heal from the trauma. Little did she know that decision would take her on a journey which would change her life forever.

Cheryl takes her readers on a roller coaster ride as she skillfully weaves her remarkable story of personal transformation and triumph as she overcame her fears, discovered her inner strength, and unleashed her warrior spirit.

Author's Notes

In 2003 I embarked on an incredible journey in an ancient Japanese martial art called Ninpo Tai Jutsu, the Art of the Ninja, although I did not go willingly. I had to be dragged onto the mat kicking and screaming, and not in a good way. Instead of taking a few classes, learning a few self-defense techniques (which I desperately needed), and move on with my life, since I knew I was going to hate it.

I didn’t hate it. I fell in love with the art, I fell in love with the training, and I really fell in love with the strength, confidence, and empowerment I gained from training. Ten years later, at the age of 57, I became my teacher’s first female black belt. In twenty years of teaching, my teacher never had a female achieve such a high rank.

I never went looking for the art of Ninpo. The art came looking for me, and it took three long years for my acupuncturist to convince me to take a few classes with him to help me heal from the devastating effects of PTSD after a traumatic experience. The rest, as they say, is history.

My story is one of triumph over tragedy, which also includes a sense of humor, playfulness, and personal empowerment. I believe that there is an incredible amount of strength and power in all of us just waiting to be discovered. It is my sincere hope that this book can help you find yours. 

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Genre: Non Fiction > Memoir & Biographies

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ISBN: 9780997681338


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