Revelation Explained

Revelation Explained answers the most difficult prophetic questions about the last days of the age we live in.

Who is the Antichrist?
What is Mystery Babylon?

What is the Mark of the Beast?

When is the Great Tribulation Period?

Is the Rapture Mentioned in Revelation?

Will Christians Go Through the Great Tribulation Period?

What is the Sequence of Events in the Book of Revelation?

The solutions to these difficult topics are derived from the original Old Testament prophecies brought forth to the end of the New Testament. The symbology of Revelation will be easier to interpret once we see this thread woven into a close-knit pattern throughout the Bible.

This book will demystify Christ's final prophecies about the end-times. You will learn about the reasons for God's judgment upon the earth, along with many important characters such as the Beast, the False Prophet, and the Antichrist. After reading this book you will be able to recognize these symbols through their concealment.

It has never been so important to know how foreseen events will become more visible for those with eyes to see.

Major themes before, during, and after the Great Tribulation Period are explained, including -

- The role of fallen angels during the end times.

- Identification of Mystery Babylon the Great.

- The final beast system rising from the realm of the dead.

- An explanation of why the antichrist is not the most important evil character.

- Passages about believers going through the tribulation period (no pre-trib rapture).

- Prophecies in the Book of Revelation that parallel the Old Testament.

- The climax of John's visions is the Second Advent. We will examine the symbolism of this event as it relates to the Day of the Lord.

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Genre: Non Fiction > Religion and Spirituality

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ISBN: 9798985656916

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