Pink Bunny's Grand Adventure's Book

This is a childrens book based on a little pink bunn that goes on many adventures and solves many mysterys. I have found that not only do children 12 years old and under love it but so do the parents and grandparents reading it to them. The book is part of a series with no end in sight. The first book has no art but it is very detailed in the writing. The book is a kindle e-book only.

Average: 4.6 (5 votes)



Genre: Fiction > Children

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Jason K. Hush

12 years ago

i bought this book last night since my little 2yr old saw it and wanted it which it was no big deal since it was soooo cheap. it was ok to me but apparently my daughter loved it i think i read it to her 3 times befor she would go to bed. i highly recommend this book if you have a little one at home.


12 years ago

There is a free promotion for this book and i got it thinking it was going to be an "ok" story but now that i have finished it not only did my baby girl love it but i did also. even though there is no art i find the book has enough detail to let you imagine what is going on. im thinking of acctully buying this book when the promo is over!

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