BUGman: Cubicle Life & Beyond

"Knowing the unknown is better than not knowing at all". Sa & Sa journey of 'Testers' & challenges.

Sa and Sa unveils the journey of software professionals.

Sa and Sa Unveil this journey, they show how the software industry works, people, organization, expectations, behaviours etc.

Key thing we are trying to convey is to learn everyday, develop your skills and help share the knowledge.

"Learning technical subject in way that it could bring smiles, opens think-tank, and brings a new perspective is something BUGman has successfully done. I would call it as a Welcome Change!" - Nikhil Kulkarni, Dept of Mechanical Engineering, Arizona State University, USA

"BUGman has interesting analogies and examples for every kind of reader. Tips are handy for the interviews." - Ashar Neyaz, Digital Forensics, Sam Houstan State University, USA

"Presenting futuristic cubical life for people aspiring to be test engineers is something BUGman has done very well." - N K Narasimhan, Co-founder, Nascor Technologies Pvt Ltd, India

Author's Notes

As each word that comes out has to be responsible similar way writing BUGman was to us. The idea was initially aimed at IT professionals and IT testing professional or aspirants but as the book was written, it seem today that people with minimal english reading skills could read it.

BUGman is an attempt to help the aspirants who would like to know the career that might seem in IT testing is explained with humorous way through two characters Sa & Sa. Technical jargons are simplified through the process of story telling and thats the advantage readers could leverage.

Average: 5 (2 votes)


Genre: Non Fiction > Technology

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