The book contains a compilation of the author’s experiences as a teacher of English as a foreign language. In an often humorous way, it explains certain grammatical points, looks into the etymology of certain words and comments on the use, misuse and abuse of the English language in today’s world.
As Bill Dobbs explains, "The book 'I Have a Question’ contains various memoirs, ramblings, forays into explanations of the quirks of English grammar and vocabulary, as well as the pseudo-philosophical insights of a teacher of English as a foreign language, who in the course of his teaching has heard the utterance ‘I have a question’ so many thousands of times that he too began posing questions to which till now no answers have been found. I also threw in a bit of etymology. And one or two hundred sidetracks."
As the author states, “Some chapters will be of particular interest to teachers of English as a foreign language, others are aimed at the general public keen on learning something about the history of the English language, its seemingly illogical and complex grammatical structure and its wealth of vocabulary. Some chapters delve into philosophical issues. Some chapters might not be of interest to anybody.”
The book is now available on Amazon websites worldwide, also as an e-book.
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