Reviews by Cat Ellington: The Complete Anthology, Vol. 9

The final installment in its respective series, Reviews by Cat Ellington: The Complete Anthology, Vol. 9, presented in a neutral hue of Teal, marks the end of the first era in the literary criticism of its author, Cat Ellington.

Capping a 42-year-old collection—from 1979 to 2021—of analyses that began with Reviews by Cat Ellington: The Complete Anthology, Vol. 1, Book 9 features Ellington's witty—and typical—take on a diverse set of great (and not so great) works of fiction and nonfiction, including Creepy Teacher by Mackie Malone, Madhouse by Miguel Estrada, The Papyrus Empire (Empire Saga 1) by Niels Saunders, You Are Not Alone by Greer Hendricks and Sarah Pekkanen, 29 Seconds by T.M. Logan, The Escape Room by Megan Goldin, and many more.

Once again, Ellington brings her energetic vibe and no-nonsense approach to the proverbial table, composing the insightful and comprehensive analysis that has become her trademark. And with that, she ends the first era of her one-of-a-kind literary criticism on an enrapturing note.

So settle down, why don't you, and prepare to lose yourself in the analytical creativity of its wondrously original, ever admired, undiluted, pleasantly fun-filled, and incredibly thought-provoking authorship.

Reviews by Cat Ellington. A unique critique.

Author's Notes

Reviews by Cat Ellington was a progressive series that chronicled my literary criticism from 1979 to the present. And with the ninth book in the installment, I must now bid my beloved original series adieu.

As Quill Pen Ink Publishing prepares to introduce my next book series, The Arts, Reviews by Cat Ellington will conclude over two more issues: Reviews by Cat Ellington: A Trilogy of Unique Critiques #3 and Reviews by Cat Ellington: The Complete Works (Books 1-9). Stay tuned, dear readers!

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Genre: Non Fiction > Literary Criticism

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