Signs From Heaven

Robbie Thomas, world-renowned medium psychic, has been helping people around the world for many years bringing them closer to the other side through contact with their loved ones.

As you read Signs from Heaven, you are taking an enlightening journey, giving you much more perspective of life on the other side and within you. You are going to witness many accounts that are verified by testimonials from many individuals from around the world. Each account is different, giving much weight to the validity within!

This book has been craved for a long while, finally coming to light to share in the very essence of spirit it was meant for, and the realm of spirit of you. Please sit back, letting the truth of spirit surround you, allowing yourself to embrace everything within. Signs from Heaven is thought provoking while leaving the reader wanting much more. It is the fire that burns within, the yearning to learn, the quest for knowledge that we seek, so grab hold of this beautifully written account of factual writings and find the solace you seek!

"I wish you all the success with this endeavor. This is a truly inspiring story!" - Roger Gallaway, PC, MP Federal Government Official of Canada

"I didn't want this book to end! Robbie Thomas words permeated my very existence and were indelibly inscribed in my mind. For you are a true 'pillar of light', a messenger of God!" - Reverend May Leilani Schmidt, Spiritual Healer

"I am not quite done this book yet more than half way finished. I decided to read Thomas's other book Paranormal Encounters first and found it EXCELLENT but this book too is written differently than that of the other one, but all in the same its a great read too. Very Spiritual and amazed I am at the people lives this Thomas touches just amazed. Genuine is all I can say. WOW!" -Trevor Davidson, Ontario, Canada

Average: 4 (2 votes)


1 comment

Genre: Non Fiction > Religion and Spirituality

Listed on:

ISBN: 9781478193678


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Janet Humbleton

13 years 5 months ago

I have this book and just love it! Robbie is an awesome author with so much love to give to people he truly is an amazing person. I totally recommend this book to everyone.

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