The Best Option

Inspite of everything, he`s gone through in his young life, Desmond has never caught himself thinking defeating thoughts before. He has always been tough and hard core but when he came in contact with Cherryl, she awoke tender emotion in him that caused the hardness he is made of to evaporate.
He desired her with a selfish hunger but Cherryl wanted him for good. He thought he wasn't good enough for her.
However, when he reached a breaking point, he had no option than to let go.
It is not always dark; darkness surely gives way to light once light is introduced.
Weeping indeed endures for the night but Joy comes with the limelight of the morning. Cherryl brought light to Desmond and this book can bring you the light you so much desire.
“Why is everybody and everything against him? Why didn’t he die at child-birth or even in the operating room during those unsuccessful surgeries? Why is he not like the other of his mates? Why is everybody wicked and callous? Why is there no kind person around in the whole world? These and other series of questions bothered him so much that he refused to go to class for the night prep that evening; rather he laid down on his bed and wept himself to sleep… Who said a blind man can’t dream? Who said a handicapped can’t have vision and pursue it with vigour? Desmond refused to be tagged invalid or handicapped, he knew he was headed somewhere and he sure wasn’t going to allow anyone define him with his disability, He may be disabled in one way but he sure has lots of abilities so he was not going to let the disability over ride all the abilities he is bestowed with.
He knew that with memories, yesterday still lives so what he did was to brush those memories aside and set before him the dreams, hopes and aspirations of tomorrow, he knew his tomorrow will be far better than his today if he worked hard and worked right. Desmond wants to distinguish himself just like the eagle, he wants to be exceptionally different from his mates though they are all in the same school and class but he has his eyes focused somewhere and none is strong enough to stop him except himself... As they carried him out, he prayed and hoped that someone will see them or even the house master that sent for him but alas, none was insight it was as if they had bribed everyone in the school premises.
They carried him out to only God knows where and when they got to their destination, they told him they weren’t there for jokes, he should tell them where that money was or they will kill him.
Desmond was shocked beyond words, all these for the four thousand dollars he won as award? These were not students so how did they get to know about the money? ‘Blind bat! One of the guys roared, where is the damn cash? Desmond didn’t want to appear frightened to them so he kept mute trying to gain composure… Desmond scampered to the direction he heard the dog’s shrill cry, ‘Brownie, oh, Brownie, please don’t die! As he took some steps further, he stumbled over a log and fell down, he tried getting up but couldn’t, he has broken an ankle. Tears of anguish and pain streamed down his face; he sat there weeping, he felt the grasses rustle around him. Brownie whimpered to his side still shaken from the whole episode… Meanwhile, exams has begun since yesterday and funny enough no teacher has asked of Desmond. What is really going on, could it be that Desmond has left school for now? But why didn’t he tell either Roland or Daniel? These two have been quite close to him in the recent time…‘Thank you Sir, Roland said, ‘we came to report to you that we haven’t seen Desmond around for the past three days and exams has started. ‘To make matters worse Sir, Daniel joined in, ‘no teacher has ever asked of him during the exams so we decided to come to you Sir to report’ he concluded… The Principal sent the security men to go fetch Mr. Lambert, they came back with the shocking news that he was found stabbed to death in his bathroom… Desmond was hospitalized for some days after which he was discharged.
The Good Samaritan that rescued him took him to his house and as they drove into his compound, Desmond felt a sense of familiarity around him.
The man’s voice sounded so familiar but he couldn’t place where he heard it first.
The Gateman opened the gate and ushered them into a large compound. 
 “Welcome to my home,’ the man said.
‘Thank you very much, Sir, Desmond replied.
He was well attended to and there was a very cordial relationship between him and the man’s household. He felt so at home there, several times, he wanted to leave but the man told him he will take him home at the right time… It was about 8:30pm. Too early for Cherryl to go to bed; watching TV all by herself wasn’t interesting anymore and so was reading. She hates it whenever her Dad has to travel. Suddenly, there was power outage… Desmond’s face creased into a soft frown as he slept off with thoughts of Cherryl in his mind.
‘Come here let me teach you a trick or two?’ he heard himself saying.
‘Alright, that will be nice’, she replied as she stood up from her chair, got undressed revealing a beautiful swimming suit that clung to her body as if it was her second skin. She gently took the stairs down into the pool causing ripples as she made her way towards him. She got to where he was and gave him her hands… She wasn`t ready to start any romantic relationship now but Desmond is irresistible. He has this charm that draws your innermost feelings out. Genuinely, she loves him. It is time to let him know who she truly is and what her stand is on certain issues. She doesn't need anyone to tell him that Desmond is madly in love with her; she is the one to steer the rudder of this relationship to the right direction. With this thought, she drifted off to dreamless sleep… Cherryl placed her soft hand on his head and prayed intensely for him. He got filled with the Spirit and began to speak in other tongues even before both of them knew what was happening; Cherryl was so thrilled that she sobbed her thanks to God openly. They were in this state of glory in God’s manifested presence for only God knows how long and finally got up and hugged each other. There was something different in this embrace, it did not arouse those longings and desires in Desmond as before but it was pure and unique. Desmond was excited about life once more… Cherryl was overwhelmed with joy and excitement; she hugged him and they both joined hands to pray and as they prayed, there was manifestation of the Spirit of God in prophesy. Amongst the things the Spirit of God told them is that he can go for another surgery and it will be successful this time.
Desmond slept like a baby that night, he dreamt of wine and roses, Cherryl held out a glass of wine to him and he in turn gave her a bunch of roses… Gradually, he opened the eyes, initially he couldn't make out any form, everything appeared hazy but as seconds turned to minutes, his vision got clearer. He could make out forms little by little and after close observation, the medical team agreed that he needed a pair of glasses until he has fully recovered…God always has ways of turning things around to your favour; when the tide turns against you; God will do more for you than you think. God still remembers and visits people today, are you willing and waiting for that visitation?
Too many people are in the habit of leaving their place of visitation earlier than their scheduled time of miracle, there is always an appointed time and the Bible always says “it came to pass.” One day he was invited to the school of the handicapped to minister to them. He was one of the Speakers at their opening/founders day, when he was called upon to speak, he mounted the podium with such an intimidating poise that some folks interpreted as arrogance, but he owes nobody an apology, God just picked him up from a pile of ashes and sat him in the seat of honour.
‘You are not what they called you, you are a plus and not a minus, a multiplication and not a subtraction, an addition not a division; he began.
‘Nobody has the right to live your life for you or determine for you how you should live it; your destiny is in your mouth and in your hands.”
There are two categories of people found in your world namely: Passers-by and Residents. Always acknowledge the role of each one in your life and be careful not to force the passers-by to become residents else life may become miserable for you and them. Don’t put yourself in a tight corner where you struggle and suffer unnecessarily.
The only person that needed to die for the Church has died and that is Jesus Christ so if you suffer, struggle and die as a result of your ignorance of what Jesus Christ did for you, you just died in vain. Remember God said “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge”.
Make yourself happy always, it is your sole responsibility; none can make you happy except you and remember it is with joy that you can draw water out of the well of salvation.
If you are forlorn and full of self-pity, you will not amount to anything. There is a beautiful saying that so impacted my life and that is “the world will always have her opinion of you, she can give you a thousand reasons to cry but you give her a thousand and two reasons to laugh.”
The only true and best version of your vision is the one you believe and endorse. Don`t be moved by what the passers-by do or say to you, their opinions really do not count.
There are things and people the Lord is trying to severe from your life, be attentive to Him so you don`t go resurrecting them. Remember to always be grateful for every little assistance; only great fools are ungrateful!
When you are full of gratitude, God will always give you miracles that will terminate insults. He doesn't consult your past before blessing you, if He does, I wouldn't be here talking with you now.
Celebrate God, Celebrate yourself! Be a light wherever you are, if my fiancée wasn't shining forth her light; I would have still been lost in a world of sin, guilt, unforgiveness and bitterness. You are the world`s light – a city on a hill, glowing in the night for all to see. Don`t hide your light; let it shine for all, let your good deeds glow for all to see so that they will praise your heavenly father.
You have an assignment, a destiny to fulfill, no matter how bad your present condition is, no matter how many giants are on your way; do not despair for God still remembers you. He has not forgotten you, His grace is sufficient for you. Get your fire back, go back to those dreams, you may ask, ‘how do I do that?’ You will start by acknowledging Jesus as the Lord of your life, that is the first step, every other thing falls into place after that.
We are all Pathfinders on a mission, Beholders following the Light, Runners gunning for the prize and Fighters remaining focused. You have been described, don’t accept any other description.
Learn to finish the good course you started, don`t quit and as you walk on ignore certain obstructions on your way, don`t take note of everything so you don`t loose focus of your destination.
I pray that God in His infinite mercy and wisdom will strengthen you and give you peace. He will guide you till you arrive where He has prepared for you to be in Jesus Name, Amen.’
The ovation was loudest, people clapped, shouted and cheered as he made his way back to his seat. Dr. Desmond has become a name to be conjured with. God is faithful…‘You are right, dear, everything is working together for our good’, he agreed. With that he ignited the engine, revved the car into life and headed for her apartment to drop her off for the night.
‘Desmond woke up and smiled softly to himself. Today, Cherryl will be officially his. Her name will be changed from “Cherryl Johnson” to “Mrs. Cherryl Desmond”, Oh! he gasped in excitement… He got hold of his Angel and whispered ‘my vision, thanks again,’ with that his lips claimed hers in a long passionate kiss!
When he finally released her, she was breathless and her legs could hardly carry her. Desmond held her hand, squeezing it intermittently until the service was over and the Minister pronounced them man and wife, and presented Dr & Mrs. Desmond Daniels to the congregation who clapped and cheered the newest couple in town!
Desmond took his wife to the dance floor and it was such a glorious sight!  Almost all the guests joined them either to dance, clap or cheer.
Gradually, the occasion came to a halt and Desmond was given the microphone to deliver his vote of thanks.
‘Today, he began, is one of the happiest days of my life. I use today to celebrate three important things that happened to me: the first is my salvation, the second is my being able to see, the third is my being able to fall in love and be loved in return. Thank you so much to you all who came to celebrate with us.
I watched as the new baby emerged into the world
Startling everyone with his shrill cry
What a sight
What a beauty.
Everyone is excited at the sight of this tiny bundle of joy,
Everyone is attentive to his cry, yes, at his beck and call.
There was a thought looming large at the back of my mind...
What will this child be tomorrow?
Who will this baby be in future?
What is his destiny like?
A closer look at this bundle of joy
 Revealed to me that his palms were closed in a fist!
His palms were closed?
Why did he close his palms?
Is he keeping anything from us?
What could that be?
Did anyone give him a gift?
Who could that be?
And what’s the gift all about?
As I was musing on all these questions,
There was a cry of pain and agony
Coming from another part of the hospital building...
“An elderly man in his century has just breathed his last”, a Nurse said
What an irony! I thought
One family has an addition and another a subtraction,
As this thought were racing through my mind,
They wheeled the old man’s body passed
On their way to the morgue...
His palms were open...
Another food for thought;
The new born baby came with his palms closed in a fist,
The old man left the world with his palms open...
It hit me like a thunderbolt...
Each of us came with our talents, purpose and calling,
What you do with them is the summary of your life here on earth...
Some use up all theirs and return to their Maker beaming with smiles,
Some hide theirs either out of ignorance or selfishness so remain locked up even in an open world.
You may not succeed in everything you do,
Failing sometimes means you are doing something
It shows you weren’t idle or standing still
The tiny baby came with gifts and talents
Given to him by God,
His tight fist indicates that he alone can operate or use them...
You have yours...
Search them out and use them wisely,
Don’t be envious of others
For each one is born with his talent and gifts in his palms
All that is required is to know yourself, discover your mission
And remain true to yourself...
Have the courage to execute your dreams...
Build a committed and nurturing relationship with yourself...
Do the things you were sent here to do effectively
So when you are done and it is time to meet with your Creator,
You can gladly go with your palms wide open
Indicating to the world that you are leaving with nothing...
While excitedly telling your Maker...
I wisely used them up.
Satisfaction in life does not jump on you, you work for it, and you earn it. You will not sit in a place, fold your hands and expect to be satisfied in life.
There are things you need to do. There are seeds to be sown, there are mileages to cover. It doesn`t depend on degrees and titles, it depends on your walk with God. It depends on what you do with your knowledge of Him that you have.
True satisfaction affects people around you and even your environment; contact with the True Source of Satisfaction (Jesus Christ) will lift you to a higher height.
Admit that where you are, is not where you should park up, don`t make excuses for yourself, reposition yourself and move on in this life.
Desmond had the option of remaining blind all his life, being a beggar and handicapped. Remaining in that state would have brought him people’s sympathy; but, he refused that option, he moved on and dropped the beggarly garment of blindness like Blind Bartimaeus did in the Scriptures. He sought for help; he received help and began to distribute help. No wonder the Bible says concerning Abraham in “…I will bless you with abundant increase of favours…and you will be a blessing.”
You should be helped, favoured, blessed until you become a channel, a distributor of help, favour and blessing.
What is your vision? What is your dream? What is your purpose? When life hands you a lemon, turn it to lemonade. You can be given a thousand reasons to cry but you can choose to accept a thousand and two reasons to laugh.
You can succeed for you have all it takes. It doesn't matter how blurred that vision appears, you can make it sharper and clearer. Get to the Word and you will find solution, you will find grace to help you in time of need. The grace can appear in human form, information or idea, what matters most is that you will always find it.
Desmond found his and Cherryl found hers as well. You can find yours…and that is the reason for this book: to help you take “The Best Option!” (Culled from the Book: The Best Option).

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Genre: Fiction > Romance

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ISBN: 978-1469183022


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Anyaele Chiyson

12 years 9 months ago

This is ZÖE of a zeitgeist! I have seen & read fictions but this book is the transcendent! It's a leverage to function beyond the realm of the preeminent. I read it & redefined the miraculous. It's simply Life-giving! The only option you have now is to read "The Best Option".

More by Jaachynma N.E. Agu

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