Home Style Cooking

Are you ever tired of the same old food day in and day out ? Tired of ordering out because you don't want to cook at times? Well in this book, Chef Randy R. Duke gives you plenty of ideas on what to cook for Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner. In this Cookbook Chef Duke gives you over 150 recipes you can cook from scratch to make you feel as empowered like a real Chef, even if you don't really cook that often. You follow the recipe and you will have your family and friends eating like they are in a five star restaurant. 
Randy R. Duke is not just a Chef, he is also a Chocolatier and Caterer. He started out as a young man watching his Mother Marie Duke and his Grandmother Rosemarie LaMantia cook in the kitchen and he enjoyed it to. He would love to help as well as eat whatever they made. As he got older he started to read a lot of cookbooks his family had in the house and would try making things, asking his Mom or Grandmother for help with measurements and so on, until he got the hang of things as he gotten older. At the age of fourteen years old he got a job as a Stock boy at a local Deli his Uncle Danny LaMantia, worked at. As the years went on, under the supervision and training his Uncle Danny gave him, he learned the Deli business and quite frankly enjoyed it and is still in the Deli business till this day. Randy R. Duke hopes everyone enjoys this Cookbook as much as he enjoyed writing it. 
Randy is often asked for advice and he sums it up for everyone, "If you have a passion for something in your life and you know down deep your good at it whatever it may be, GO FOR IT, Don't sit there and talk about it, DO IT. Go for your dreams because only you can write your future." 
Randy R. Duke Lives in Staten Island, New York.

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Genre: Non Fiction > Cookbooks, Food & Wine

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David Conte

11 years 8 months ago

I would like to take this time to say Thank you to Author Randy R Duke for giving us a Cookbook without a lot of Hoopla in it, he gives a full detail on what you need and how to prepare things as a cookbook should!!! 5 Stars.

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