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Isabelle Esling

Author, Novelist, Journalist, Teacher



Isabelle Esling has spent the last decade as a music journalist. She has interviewed some of the best talents in the music business, including Proof of D12. In 2012, Isabelle released her first book, EMINEM, and the Detroit Rap Scene: White Kid in a Black Music World; instantly becoming a National Bestseller.

Very eclectic as a writer, the trilingual author has expressed a wide range of subjects such as musical biographies, Parisian novels, self-development, love stories, and spiritual testimonies. Isabelle Esling's most recent self-development book offers practical and insightful advice on identifying and avoiding individuals with psychopathic tendencies. It covers the common traits and behavior patterns of psychopaths, as well as strategies for protecting oneself from their manipulation and deceit. The book provides a valuable tool for navigating these dangerous waters and staying safe.

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Books by Isabelle Esling

An Encounter with Yeshua the Sequel by Isabelle Esling - Book cover.
An Encounter With Yeshua by Isabelle Esling - Book cover.
Eminem and The Detroit Scene (book) by Isabelle Esling.

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