I got roses today...

Donna Kshir pens a poem 'I got roses today' dedicated to her friend and aspiring author Kelley, who lost her life due to domestic violence.

Ms. Kshir pens
'I got roses today.
A beautiful gift.
It’s not my birthday, or our anniversary, or any other special day.
It was the result of an argument that seemed to go on for days.

'People say words don't hurt but what do they know.
It was cruel.
It hurt me.
I want these feelings to go.

'He said he didn't mean it and I believe him, or he wouldn't say it.
He said he was sorry. He cried real tears. I could feel his pain.
What else can I say.
I got roses today.'

*ALL sales from this poem/eBook goes to Advocates United for Humanity in effort to end domestic violence. 

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Genre: Non Fiction > Love & Relationships

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ISBN: 9780359335695

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