Reviews by Cat Ellington: The Complete Anthology, Vol. 1

Reviews by Cat Ellington are now available in a progressive book series!

Accessible exclusively through The Complete Anthology succession, Vol. 1 features a collection of the first (50) literary examinations (compiled from 1979 - 1996) that were penned by the distinctive author and public figure during the earlier years of coming into her own as a hobbyist critic of literature prose.

Enhanced with an exciting personal colloquy, Reviews by Cat Ellington: The Complete Anthology, Vol.1 has its adroit wordsmith evaluating several of those written works produced by some of the most renowned names in both fiction and nonfiction literature, including Iceberg Slim, Stephen King, John Grisham, Jackie Collins, Donald Goines, and more.

Cleverly-written with exceptional detail to wit, sentiment, in-depth wisdom, and laugh-out-loud humor, Reviews by Cat Ellington: The Complete Anthology, Vol. 1 is a narrative of superlative nonfiction prose that both book lovers and book reviewers the world over are sure to love.

So settle down, why don't you, and prepare to lose yourself in the analytical creativity of its undoubtedly original, greatly admired, pleasantly fun-filled, and incredibly thought-provoking authorship.

Reviews by Cat Ellington. A unique critique.

Author's Notes

In the context of its main title, Reviews by Cat Ellington was inspired by the original WordPress weblog of the same name. Now defunct, the online journal had been home to the hundreds of literary examinations that will now feature in the Complete Anthology series.

The analytical critique is my cherished passion. And channeling the late, great Roger Ebert, I elected to collect all of my literary analyses into a series of nonfiction books.

I enjoy this segment of my highly diverse career in the creative arts. And it is my hope that others will find joy in the work that I do as well.

—Cat Ellington

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Genre: Non Fiction > Literary Criticism

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ISBN: 9781980968368


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4 years 12 months ago

Well, I actually enjoyed reading this book, Reviews by Cat Ellington by the author Cat Ellington. Packed full of some of my all time fave novels ranging from horror maestro Stephen King to glamorous Jackie Collins, the author's wicked sense of humor adds to the mix, as well as her sharp observation on human behavior. Overall, a tantalizing and fun read. Thumbs up.


4 years 12 months ago

I'm glad I came across this book of reviews by Cat Ellington. I wondered if she was related to the legendary jazz great Duke Ellington but I guess not. Anyway, I thought a lot of the reviews were spot on in breaking down details in how every novel's characters back story, subplots,etc.. Loved rediscovering some of my favorite books and seeing them thru a different prism. Exceptional!

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