Love's Chronicle - The Early Years

Authored by Keng Tiong (KT) and Bernice

This book is a memoir, a collection of short accounts of happenings in our lives from the day we met and into the early years of our marriage. In between accounts, we share candid takes of what we thought or learnt through a particular happening or event.

These collections are grouped into seven chapters spanning 150 pages. Content: 1. A Little Background; 2. First Encounters; 3. Friendship; 4. Courtship; 5. The Proposal; 6. Wedding Bells; and 7. Life Together.

Below is the theme of our book:

To love is to embark on a journey of discovery, in which two distinct persons enter into each other's lives, finding vast new worlds of thoughts and emotions to be explored and experienced. It's a journey that lasts a lifetime, as two hearts grow into one, despite possible failures and setbacks, personal weaknesses and shortcomings; for in the midst of such imperfections, love will find a way to overcome all odds and emerge as the crowning virtue which God has meant it to be in the first place.

Average: 3.6 (126 votes)



Genre: Non Fiction > Memoir & Biographies

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ISBN: 9798647606891


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Ng Keng Tiong

8 years 5 months ago

As an added notice, the content now includes an Explore & Apply section at the end of each chapter, comprising the following sub-headings: 1. Straight talks 2. Self-assessments 3. Practical Suggestions We hope to increase the usefulness of the book through engaging readers with insights, exercises and practical tips. As a result, the book has a 20% increase in content to 182 pages, while the price remains the same!


8 years 4 months ago

Thanks intended for delivering these types of amazing write-up.

Ng Keng Tiong

8 years 3 months ago

In reply to by Mandila

Hi Mandila Thanks for dropping by and for the comment. Our English edition of the book is sold and distributed locally in Singapore. Recently our Simplified Chinese edition was bulk delivered to Shanghai China for the young professionals there. We hope that the online sales through Amazon and CreateSpace will pick up soon... Much appreciated.

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