Paranormal Encounters

Best Selling Paranormal Encounters is a complete, comprehensive, behind-the-scenes look at paranormal investigations and at two major movies, The Critically Acclaimed Hit Movies, The Sallie House and Dead Whisper, where first-time-ever communication with the other side was captured in direct conversation with a psychic medium.

You are going to be captivated by what the other side has to say as Robbie Thomas brings forward more than just validation that was caught on EVP and film but the truth behind each place visited on this journey. The uninvited were most prevalent during these many factual moments that were all documented in real time, either on film, electronic voice phenomena, or written documentation in script form. As you read through these chilling accounts, you will become more than entrance … you will be living Paranormal Encounters!

Average: 4.8 (5 votes)



Genre: Non Fiction > Religion and Spirituality

Listed on:

ISBN: 9781478184720


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David Yates

13 years 5 months ago

All I can say is this is one fantastic read. I recommend this book to everyone who has an interest in the Paranormal and the afterlife.

Marsha Learner

13 years 5 months ago

I just love this stuff about the paranormal. I love the reviews on this book on Kindle and I even got a sneak peak into it which, was very impressive! Good Job! I will be getting my copy in a couple weeks on my Kin. Thank you for posting this.

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