Authors and Books Promotion - A website for authors and book promotion. We offer a variety of free and paid book promotion services to help authors promote their books. Our paid services are very affordable. We also help readers get book recommendations and find their great next read.

Featured Books

Self Help Equine Photography Course Workbook by Tina J Collins - Book cover
Self Help Equine Photography Course Workbook
by Tina J. Collins
Sirensong by Sarah Jane Ashworth - book cover.
by Sarah Jane Ashworth
No Hill to Die On by Martin Roy Hill - Book cover
No Hill to Die On
by Martin Roy Hill
Onion Boy and the Backyard Bully by Daymel J Garcia - Book cover.
Onion Boy and the Backyard Bully
by Daymel J Garcia
IL LIBRO di Clare Ann Matz - copertina del libro.
by Clare Ann Matz
Ropen Island by Lois Buchter - Book cover.
Ropen Island
by Lois Buchter

Book Promotion Services for Authors is a website offering book marketing services for authors (indie, published and self-published). We help authors promote their books and ebooks. Authors and writers get a free author profile page and a dedicated page for each of their books, where they can receive reviews, ratings, comments and reply to it, with a plenty of sharing tools to help them and their visitors spread the word over various social media networks. Have you finished writing and publishing your ebook, book, novel, novella or book series and looking for a book promotion services? Are you planning for an ebook launch? We offer several services: Regular Free Listing (free book promotion), Power Listing, Free Books & Deals, Advertise With Us - find more about our book promotion services.

Let's Promote Your Book, Now!

Great collection of books for readers and book lovers

Readers, Looking for quality books to read? Wondering about your next read? Our listed books satisfy all readers' tastes, these books were individually reviewed and selected to give our visitors excellent books recommendations. Whether your favorite genre is fiction, romance, thriller, fantasy, historical, science fiction, children, non fiction, business, self help, love and relationships, parenting, memoir or pets, you will find your good next read. is simply a place where authors meet readers and readers meet authors.

Latest Book Listings

The Last Gods by Adam Brownlie - Book cover
Adventure of a Rideshare Driver - Book cover.
Self Help Equine Photography Course Workbook by Tina J Collins - Book cover
Sirensong by Sarah Jane Ashworth - book cover.
Victory: Where There’s A Will, There’s A Way - Book cover
These Words Pour Like Rain - Book cover
No Hill to Die On by Martin Roy Hill - Book cover
Green Hollow by G.S. Howie
Onion Boy and the Backyard Bully by Daymel J Garcia - Book cover.

Why is a Great Authors and Books Promotion Website?

  • All book submissions are reviewed and processed by real humans (real people) and not through an automated electronic process. This means everything is being reviewed; the book description, the author's profile, the links relevance and validity ... everything. This will give the indexing process the advantage to correct and filter submissions, thus, making the whole website relevant, consistent in quality and useful. You don't want your book to be listed among other items that are not fully reviewed or not up to standard. Right?        
  • We don't impose limitations or restrictions on books based on a certain number of reviews or their sales rank. All books which received reviews or not are welcomed. We also don't impose limitations based on the book format. All books in paperback, ebooks (Kindle, Nook, iBooks ... etc) and audiobooks (audible ... etc) are welcomed.
  • For each book submission, the author will have a full dedicated page for his/her book with a unique link (address). This added presence / cyber-estate will give it more visibility and exposure on the internet. A personal profile author page will be created for each author at the first submission, that will contain author's biography, author's website and blog, social media profiles and other information, in addition to a summary of his/her books listed on
  • Visitors can leave their comments on listed books and rate them too, thus, increasing readers and visitors’ interactivity. Visitors can leave comments without the hassle of registering to the website or login with Facebook, Google, Twitter or any other account. Comments are open to the public and can be freely left and we take the hassle of reviewing and moderating these comments.
  • Each book page is powered with various sharing options / buttons to make it easier for readers and visitors to share the page on social media networks, bookmarking services, email … etc.
  • Books are indexed and organized under specialized genres / categories, just to make it easier for the website users and visitors to follow certain classifications. Suggestions for additional genres / categories are always welcomed.
  • Since this website's main goal is to enhance the web presence of indie authors and established authors, book listings are not only limited to this site, but also, it will be announced and featured on other places on the web where is present (we call them the Channels), they include: Twitter, Facebook,  Pinterest, Instagram and others.
  • Submissions, usage and being featured on are all Completely FREE. However, other fee-based services had been also developed to fit our users needs and to bring them better visibility and web exposure. These services are very affordable, they include Power Listing, Free Books & Deals and Advertise With Us. Most indie authors are always involved in promotional activities for their books, and these various services tackle their varying needs from basic announcement to dedicated showcasing of books to creating vibe for upcoming book offers (free, giveaways or discounted).
  • It's human and our authors and users have felt it. Book Promotion Services at a Glance:

Regular Listing - ImagePower Listing - ImageFree Books & Deals - ImageAdvertise With Us - Image 

Author in the Spotlight


ETHAN KOILI started writing Floating Hair in 1996, wrote about 60 pages, became disillusioned with writing (8 previous novels unpublished), and stopped. Picked up the 60 pages in 2009, spent 3 years turning it into a full-length novel, but attracted precisely zero interest from agents and publishers. Rewrote it 2019-21, and finally self-published.   Read more about ETHAN KOIL

Meet Our Newest Authors

Adam Brownlie
Author, Novelist
Charles Campise
United States
Tina J. Collins
United Kingdom
Author, Artist, Book Reviewer, Photographer
Sarah Jane Ashworth
United Kingdom
Author, Artist
United States
Author, Novelist
United States
Author, Novelist

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