Lectin Free Diet

The Essential Cookbook for Beginners

There are so many different diet regimens that promise to make people lose weight or have better health. But don’t you know that even if you are eating healthily, your body is still prone to inflammation, especially if you eat the wrong food? This is where the Lectin-Free Diet comes in.

The Author designed, Lectin Free recipes, to help you consume lectin-free foods without going through the conventional rigor of food preparation. With the simple rules, advice and delicious ideas given in this book, you can prepare a wide range of lectin-free meals without subjecting yourself to too much stress.

The book Lectin-Free Diet offers a step-by-step approach to changing your nutrition and even your lifestyle habits. Detailed information will help you to get closer to your goal with every step you take.

For your satisfaction, this Lectin Free cookbook offers:
• A Comprehensive Overview for understanding the basics, benefits, foods to avoid while being on the Lectin Avoidance Diet
• 60+ savory recipes with colorful images and nutritional information
• Simple breakfast ideas,  amazingly flavorful snacks, chicken, fish and even dessert recipes
• Tasty suggestions for vegans, and ice-cream lovers

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Genre: Non Fiction > Health, Fitness & Diet

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ISBN: 9781087806525


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