Monthly Newsletter - July 2022 - Issue 14



Readers, Authors & Other Book Lovers

JULY 2022  .  Issue No. 14



Featured Listings



by Tom Boles

Brad Willis is an unlikely investigator, and an even less likely spy.

He is a scientist, not a hero, but when it comes to finding technical solutions, there is none better. That’s how MI6 uses him; that’s how he lands himself in trouble. Members of the scientific community around the world are being systematically murdered, and for no obvious reason. Who is killing them and why?

That is until Willis uncovers a mystery. A discovery has been made but not reported by the largest research facility in the world. Why should that be? Why would someone want it hidden?

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Ten Threads

by Richard R. Becker

New Release: May 21, 2022

An Idaho farmer who earns a second chance at life finds that the past has a hard time letting him go. A young girl navigates funeral-goers, family, and the unusual circumstances of her grandmother’s death in Pennsylvania. A risk-averse young man must make a bold move after stumbling into a nightmarish government biohazard. An aging alcoholic vigilante is asked to find common ground with a teenager in a secret witness protection program.

These and six more short stories intersect with 50 States, the award-winning, bestselling anthology that surprised readers with 50 thought-provoking stories across different genres, moods, and states of mind.

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Ten Threads

Homeschooling on a Budget

by Jessica Marie Baumgartner

Release Date: August 2, 2022

Homeschooling is on the rise. After the pandemic exposed many flaws in the public education system, more and more American parents are seeking better options. But what about those who cannot afford private schools and have no access to good charter schools?

It's never been a better time for home education. Parents from any background, with any income level, can give their children the best education possible by utilizing affordable tools within their community.

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Homeschooling on a Budget

Legacy of Man

by David Lingard

New Release: June 11, 2022

"In a universe where the very existence of a civilisation can be deliberated upon by a single Council of allied, alien races, It is never a good idea to be the race that is practised at war."

Charlie was an average twelve year old orphan, working his way through the foster system through families and institutions that didn’t want to deal with his issues. His parents had died in a car crash when he was just three and it had left him bitter and resentful of the world around him.

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Legacy of Man


by Alexis Karpouzos

New Release: May 20, 2022

We live in a universe that can be seen and experienced from many different perspectives. We therefore need to look at the universe from many different angles. Everything and everyone is a form of the universe being expressed in a particular way. In other words, each one of us can say with absolute certainly “We are the Universe!”

Since we are the universe, each one of us provides a valuable perspective that complements the contributions of everyone and everything else around us. Each of us is the universe being expressed in a particular location in a specific way. We’re all part of the same moving and evolving cosmos, but the view of it is unique from each of our respective locations.

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by Martin Roy Hill

Release Date: October 1, 2022

NCIS Special Agent Linus Schag is no stranger to violence and bloodshed, but when he’s sent to Iraq to take custody of two Navy SEALs suspected of murder, he finds himself thrust into a manmade inferno as coalition of forces fight to free northern Iraq from the Islamic extremist group called ISIS.

The explosion of an IED allows the SEALs, suspected of killing a fellow commando, to escape and flee up the Tigris River in a stolen Navy patrol boat. Schag pursues the SEALs in another boat assisted by an Army criminal investigator, a vengeful Iraqi interpreter, and a hostile Navy boat crew.

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Before, During and After My Falklands War

by Terence Victor Barnes

A grandfather who drunk alcohol from a bicycle inner tube, my father having episodes on par with Inspector Clouseau, as a teenager running riot around the streets of Ipswich,  having teachers bordering on the psychotic that gave out physical punishment at will (including a nun) and football thugs as mentors, all prepared me well for a life in the military.

I joined the Royal Marines at the age of sixteen,  earning my coveted Green Beret as a naive virgin (in many ways), all before I was legally allowed to vote and drink beer! In 40 Commando Royal Marines I had unique experiences I could have never dreamt of as a child.

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Before, During and After My Falklands War


Upcoming Releases

February 2023

Reviews by Cat Ellington: The Complete Anthology, Vol. 8

by Cat Ellington



New Releases

June 2022

Positive Masculinity Now

by Mac Scotty McGregor

Non Fiction > Self Help


May 2022

The Sweetheart Chronicles

by Luna Threepwood

Fiction > Romance


April 2022

Primal Instinct

by Minerva Hart

Fiction > Science Fiction News | ThoughtsThoughts

'Thoughts' is a new initiative by that aims to provide cumulative reflections and thoughts about certain topics and situations to inspire authors and be a source for story ideas for them. Join us by sharing your thoughts and be among the first to set its tone.

Click here for more details.



Monthly Digest

Into Africa a Personal Journey

by Yvonne Blackwood

Non Fiction > Memoir & Biographies


Supernatural Wave of God's Presence

by Daniel Green

Non Fiction > Religion & Spirituality


Dark Roads and Dead Ends

by David DeLee

Fiction > Mystery & Thrillers


My Mythology

by Freya Pickard

Fiction > Poetry


Freedom Online: The Copper Rose

by David Lingard

Fiction > Fantasy


Farm Animal Family Rhyme

by Belle Brown

Fiction > Children


The Kinzua Skywalk

by Gladys Caroline

Non Fiction > Photography



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